ARMARiO Version 1.55.11
Control cabinet configurator
- Improvements in automated PDF creation
- Integration of the STL export function
- Adjustments and improvements in the XML output (internal)
- Various adjustments to the system
- Adjustments and improvements to the backend
ARMARiO Version 1.50.0
Control cabinet configurator
- Continuous B2B ordering process (forwarding the configuration to purchasing for the final order)
- Revision of the coating selection according to RAL (display of the selected color)
- Taking into account the cost savings for larger quantities
- Various adjustments to the system
- Adjustments and improvements to the backend
ARMARiO Version 1.40.0
Control cabinet configurator
- Various adjustments to internal tools to improve customer care and order processing
- Anonymized step analysis to evaluate the general configuration process
ARMARiO Version 1.39.0
Control cabinet configurator
- Various adjustments to the system
- Adjustments and improvements to the backend
- Improvement of iso views and camera angles (order screenshots)
- Special homepage for registered ARMARiO users (displaying tutorial videos and a list of the last configurations)
- Integration of advanced error reporting to implement fast technical support for customers
ARMARiO Version 1.37.0
Control cabinet configurator
- Various adjustments to the system
- Adjustments and improvements to the backend
- Bug fix when placing macros on the back
- Fixed a bug that caused the last change in the macro to be reset when changing the color
- Incorporating the data sheets (technical documentation) for all models into the cabinet overview page
- Introduction of a default value for holes (30mm) for better control by the user
- Expansion of navigation
- Adjustments to the registration fields (new customer creation)
- Visual placement of the montage in the buttons for changing the view (2D View)
ARMARiO Version 1.22.0
Control cabinet configurator
- Various adjustments to the system
- Adjustments and improvements to the backend
- Adjustments to order numbers for direct orders
- Model 3 (terminal box) does not contain a mounting plate
- Adjustments to the restricted area definition (especially model 2, double doors)
- Fixed a bug with the radius of the rectangular macros
- General bug fixes for macro functions
- Adjustments to the XML structure (empty component lists)
- Model 2 Integration of the sub-article stiffening rails
- Introduction of the 3D data export function as OBJ
ARMARiO Version 1.19.0
Control cabinet configurator
- Various adjustments to the system
- Adjustments and improvements to the backend
- Improvement of the flow logic in the configuration process (Processbar)
- Revision of login/registration process (existing and new customers)
- Admin orders
- Entering comma values in the macros
- Adjustments to the order PDF records
- Elimination of minor errors
- Adjustments or corrections in the XML export
- Minor between updates 1.16.0 - 1.19.0
ARMARiO Version 1.15.0
Control cabinet configurator
- Various adjustments to the system
- Elimination of minor errors
- Improvements in the internal handling of the data and order structure
- Adjustments or corrections in the XML export
- Minor between updates 1.4.0 - 1.14.0